OpenMandriva on IRC.

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat.
OpenMandriva is no longer using Freenode IRC. There are (…)

20 July 2021 , by ben79
OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 RC available for testing

We have good news: Cooker, our development branch, is working very well right now. Our internal (…)

24 May 2021 , by rugyada
Plans for OM Lx 4.3 release

It’s not what we were originally planning, but we are planning an OM Lx 4.3 release very soon — (…)

13 April 2021 , by ben79, bero
OpenMandriva build infrastructure switches to ARM servers

As you may have noticed, the ABF build system has moved to a new server and is now fully (…)

5 March 2021 , by bero
ABF build system and mirrors down problem resolved

We had a hardware failure of our main server, ABF, on which all our packages are generated (…)

22 February 2021 , by rugyada
OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 is out now

The OpenMandriva Team is pleased to announce the general availability of the latest stable (…)

12 February 2021 , by bero, rugyada

This week-end is #FOSDEM (6 & 7 February 2021) ! We will be glad to welcome you at our (…)

5 février 2021 , par Raphaël
OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 RC available for testing

The RC milestone of OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 release cycle has been released.
Warning: This is a (…)

1 January 2021 , by bero, rugyada
OpenMandriva embroidered garments

we are pleased to announce that Gabor Kum, founder of HelloTux, has just added a (…)

9 November 2020 , by Raphaël