The Atmosphere: Wallpaper Contest

While OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 is in the Cooker, we need the help of our fellow community for the (…)

10 August 2018 , by rugyada
Major updated packages for Lx 3

Good news for OpenMandriva Lx 3 users. While OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 in on the way, we keep taking (…)

15 July 2018 , by ben79
Development news Week 2018-28

In preparation for OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 release, we’ve started a rebuild of all packages to (…)

14 July 2018 , by rugyada
Summer news

Here are some quick news about the distribution: OpenMandriva Lx 4 is getting closer, (…)

5 July 2018 , by ben79, bero, Raphaël, rugyada
Why nvidia drivers sometimes don’t build when new kernel is introduced.

Some users may have the misconception that as soon as a new kernel package is introduced then (…)

18 March 2018 , by ben79
Switching to RPMv4

Note: This is a cooker message, from Tomasz Paweł Gajc aka TPG, converted here as a blog post. (…)

7 March 2018 , by Raphaël
Channel #OpenMandriva available for users on Freenode IRC

The recent server shutdown has prompted me to remind all OpenMandriva users that we do have a (…)

29 January 2018 , by ben79
eelo, mobile OS and web services, by Gaël Duval

We’d like to make the promotion of a kickstarter project by Gaël Duval.
Nearly 20 years ago, (…)

23 December 2017 , by Raphaël
OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 - Get it while it’s hot!

OpenMandriva Lx 3.03 is now well seasoned ready to deliver.
This release Lx 3.03 is an (…)

21 November 2017 , by rugyada